Finding Lost Child by Face Detection Using Machine Learning Algorithm


  • Nithya M, Vigneshwari S, Daniya T


Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), Feature E, LBPH, face recognition, Machine learning algorithms


The technological developments in recent days have made people’s life more convenient. A wild proliferation of face detection techniques is been exercised for various media applications where the people’s facial contour has distinguished a system of cameras. Facial contours concepts are seemed to be in a fictional world, but the evolution of technology makes us to slowly realize them as reality.  The paper explains about spotting the lost child in crowded places by comparing their faces with several surveillance systems implemented in the surrounding using a Convolution Neural Networks (CNN) appended with Viola-Jones Algorithm. CNN patterns the connectivity between the neurons that coincide the organization of a person’s facial muscle. Thus, the paper aims to find the missing persons in a quicker-way than the usual scenario.


