Bird Species Identification from Image


  • Dr. S. Dhamodaran, Sathi Veerraghava Reddy, Sathi Veerraghava Reddy, Dr. Viji Amutha Mary


Bird image recognition, Convolutional neural network (CNN), Image Processing, Edge detection, Machine learning


Distinguishing proof of bird species and difficult work is regularly equivocal. Albeit various types of birds share similar essential parts, various types of birds might contrast in nature. Our undertaking remembers for profundity exploration to assist with birding watchers figure out how to recognize bird species from their photos. These days, bird watching is normal, however the assistance of a bird book is hard to know its species. To furnish bird watchers with basic instruments to partake in the magnificence of birds, we have made a top to bottom site to assist them with recognizing bird species utilizing picture acknowledgment programming. The product perceives the info picture and predicts the bird species by contrasting the model and the pre-arranged model. Remarks will be given in yield design. It can likewise add a picture to the data set assuming it clicks or distributes a picture that isn't in the client's information base.


