Phishing Website Detection using Machine Learning Algorithm


  • Dr. S. L. Jany Shabu, Dr. J. Refonaa, Dr. S. Dhamodaran, Dr. Vedanarayanan, Rishi Kumar V., Manoj S. V.


Phishing,Cyber Security, Machine learning, Priority based algorithms, Fusion, UCI, Python


Phishing sites are a significant security threat. The world has spent years developing innovative methods for detecting phishing sites automatically. Even though cutting-edge solutions can boost performance, they require a lot of manual feature engineering and aren't very effective at detecting new phishing scams. The development of techniques to detect phishing websites and manage minimal phishing attempts is still a work in progress in this industry .The web pageĀ  that has a lot of information that can be used to detect the maliciousness of the web server.ML is an effective technique for finding these scams. It also removes the drawbacks of the technique used before. We conducted a literature study and developed a new technique for identifying phishing websites that combines feature extraction with machine learning .The purpose of the study is to employ the information gathered to build machine learning models and deep neural networks to detect phishing sites.


