An Upper Bound on the Partition Dimension of Comb Product Graph Wheel and Path


  • Faisal, Rojali , Mohd Sham Bin Mohamad


Partition dimensions, comb product graph, wheel and path.


Research with the title: An Upper Bound on The Partition Dimension of Comb Product Graph Wheel and Path. This research is the development of the results of calculations, research methods with a qualitative model approach to the partition dimensions of the comb product between the wheel and path graph investigated in this study. The main objective in this research is to determine the partition dimension of the upper bound of this graph. To achieve optimal results, the researcher expands the wheel graph completion partition to find the comb product graph completion partition. The results of this study provide an upper bound on the partition dimensions of the comb product graph between the wheel graph and the path as the main result, throughout this section, the graphs  for  is the wheel graph with n+1 vertices. The path graphs  for m≥1 is a graph with  and . The lower limit of the partition dimensions should be examined further in future research.


