Sounding Signal Generator for Geodynamic Monitoring Systems of the Geological Environment Based on Geoelectric Control Methods


  • Dmitry I. Surzhik, Gleb S. Vasilyev, Oleg R. Kuzichkin


To generate sounding signals for geodynamic monitoring systems of the geological environment based on geoelectric control methods, various generating equipment is currently used, which has a number of characteristic disadvantages that significantly reduce their effectiveness to ensure the desired technical characteristics. Based on the features and requirements imposed on the radiating paths of geodynamic monitoring systems based on geoelectric control methods, it is proposed to implement a universal signal generator based on digital computational synthesizers (DDS), which allows high accuracy of synthesized signals, extremely high frequency resolution, high switching speed, ease of control and the possibility of forming complex signals. To improve the spectral characteristics of the DDS, it is proposed to use the method of automatic phase distortion compensation. Two original algorithms have been developed to isolate phase distortions and form a compensating signal. A block diagram of a signal generator and transfer functions for the main impacts were proposed. The amplitude-frequency characteristics of the signal generator based on the phase distortions of the DDS for an autocompensator with deviation control are obtained, as well as the compensation degree at different scheme parameters.


