Changing Trend of Architecture.”-A Study of Changing Face of Housing of Urban Poor and Slum Development with Government Initiatives during 2010-2021
Architecture, “the matrix of civilization”, has witnessed the chronological development of concepts, strength, diversity and complexity. The great ages of world Architecture reveal the changing face of architecture in different regions and periods starting from the prehistoric age to International style of modern architecture. It is evident that Modernism, Post Modernism, Revivalism, avant grade, classicism and expressionism with the changing face of structural design, art and culture are the characteristics of Architecture of the previous century. So Professor E Laube has rightly pointed it out: “Every definition of theory of Architecture represents a certain kind of architecture. Every definition of theory of Architecture gives an answer to what is architecture. Every manifestation of Architecture favours the growth of a new definition or theory of architecture.”
So in the domain of countless spectacular innovations and examples of changing ideas, fashions and tastes the scope of this paper concentrates the social context of Architecture, changing face of Housing of Urban poor and slum development with government initiatives during 2010-2021.