Fuzzy database and Fuzzy logic Using Triangular and Trapezoidal Fuzzy Number for coronavirus disease - 2019 diagnosis


  • Ambadas Deshmukh, Ashok S. Mhaske, K. L. Bondar, Dr. Arun Jadhav




The objective of this article is to introduce correct information for coronavirus disease when there is uncertainty in a medical fuzzy database. Global health crisis had a deep impact due to outbreak of the coronavirus disease 2019. COVID-19 is a reminder that well-prepared decision-making is essential for effective health management. Fuzzy database and fuzzy logic methods are best ways to reduce this ambiguity in medical science. Thirteen scientific databases are selected that affect the patient most in coronavirus. The inputs are fuzzy trapezoidal numbers according to the range that they fall in and output is fuzzy triangular number. The main risk issues of coronavirus disease according to the medical Science are Age, Blood Pressure, blood Sugar, Heart Rate, WBC, CRP, Hemoglobin, Platelet?to?lymphocyte ratio, lymphocyte, neutrophil, monocytes, Hepatitis-B and Liver function therefor there are thirteen input variables. The output is the coronavirus disease condition shown in linguistic terms such as very healthy, healthy critical and very critical.




How to Cite

Ambadas Deshmukh, Ashok S. Mhaske, K. L. Bondar, Dr. Arun Jadhav. (2023). Fuzzy database and Fuzzy logic Using Triangular and Trapezoidal Fuzzy Number for coronavirus disease - 2019 diagnosis. Mathematical Statistician and Engineering Applications, 71(4), 8196–8207. https://doi.org/10.17762/msea.v71i4.1445


