Sms Based Wireless Notice Board Monitoring System
Establishing an IoT grounded system allows for quick data transformation, and a user may access information from anywhere in the globe. In this, we have created an IoT grounded smart notice board which is autonomous, tone-enabled, and substantially reliable. If the user uploads data to the Thingspeak pall, the data is instantly transferred to the LED attached to the display, which is always watching for communication from the stoner. By using Node MCU ESP8266 and Atmega328, the stoner can upload the communication to the LED by penetrating the Thingspeak IoT cloud. The stoner can write the data from anywhere in the world to the LED. This will speed up the process of updating the data and ensure that it gets to the intended user. As long as mobile network access is available, this gadget may be utilized wherever it is deployed. We are attempting to digitize the information in order to prevent the usage of handmade work created by a different individual. The major goal of our design is to enable the addition or removal of communications from the LED screen while seated anywhere.