A Systematic Study to Strengthen the Sub Grade of the Pavement by Stabilisation of Expansive Soil with Molasses and Jute Fibre
BC soil or extensive soil is otherwise called swelling soil. This kind of Black soils will found in Central states and a few areas of south India. The presence of this sort of soil is Black, subsequently they are called as Black cotton soils. This BCS are particularly helpful for developing Cotton. Generally expansive soils have unacceptable engineering properties like low bearing capacity and high compressibility. Thus the improvement of soil at a site is needed. There are so many stabilizers to stabilise the strength of expansive soil like Jute, gypsum, fly ash, rise- husk ash, cement, lime, used rubber tyres etc. In this thesis the Jute Fibre inserted as a stabilizer and Molasses as additive to improve the properties of Expansive soil. The objectives of this study are to improve shear strength of the expansive soil by mixing Jute Fibre and Molasses mixture. Addition stabiliser of Jute Fibre different lengths are using i.e 1cm, 2cm, 3cm, 4cm and different percentages of 0.5%, 1%, 1.5% and 2%. Another stabiliser is Molasses of varying percentage of 5%, 8%, 12%, 15%.
It is noticed from the laboratory investigations that the liquid limit, plastic limit and plasticity index of the Expansive soil has been decreased and maximum dry density and CBR by on addition of 12% Molasses and 1.5% Jute Fibre as an optimum when compared with untreated Expansive Soil. It was observed from laboratory cyclic load test results that the load carrying capacity of the treated Expansive soil sub grade flexible pavement has been Improved 62% when compared with untreated Expansive
soil flexible pavement.The utilization of Construction wastes like Molasses is an alternative to reduce the construction cost of roads particularly in the rural areas of developing countries and also Jute Fibre will give good Reinforcement to Expansive soils.