Odd Triangular Graceful Labeling and Odd Triangular Graceful Number of Special Trees and Some Graphs


  • S. Mangaleswaran, R. Ganapathyraman




A flourishing and application-oriented area of research in graph theory is graph labeling. Researchers have been studying graph labeling since the mid-20th century. A new variation of graceful labeling was introduced in 2001 called triangular graceful labeling which builds on Rosa's 1967  -valuation and Goloumb's graceful labeling. In our recent study, we noticed a variation of triangular graceful labeling introduced in [4] in 2020. It is called odd triangular graceful labeling.  We use throughout the paper  in short form as OTGL . In our study , we establish odd triangular gracefulness of a few classes of tree graphs and found odd triangular graceful number of few families of graphs which we have introduced recently. A graph  with and = is called an OTG graph if there is an one-one function  where  triangular number, (in general ) such that the induced function on  namely  defined by  for every edge  is bijective. The function  is called an OTGL. Here, we establish odd triangular gracefulness of a few classes of tree graphs and found odd triangular graceful number introduced recently by us for few families of graphs.




How to Cite

S. Mangaleswaran, R. Ganapathyraman. (2023). Odd Triangular Graceful Labeling and Odd Triangular Graceful Number of Special Trees and Some Graphs. Mathematical Statistician and Engineering Applications, 71(4), 10982–10995. https://doi.org/10.17762/msea.v71i4.2038


