Use of Technology and Development Strategies in Creating Safe and Smart City: A Case of Lucknow
Smart city are the need of the hour because currently we are facing social and environment issue. It is also proved in current studies that very less focus is given in development strategies of city which help in creating safe environment in our urban hub. While creating strategies for smart city policy maker focuses on or their concern was on transport, governance, education, industry, energy and environment. Safety became a sideline in the development process.
The safe city concept includes mechanical surveillance, centrally managed policing, technology for crisis management. These all aspect and related technology focuses on the post event of the crime occurred at any place. Today, the need is to create development strategies and technology such that criminals avoid doing any crime in public space. The built form of cities and technology should be such that it prevents beforehand in occurrence of crime at public place. In this paper gap is identified and various ways to prevent crime at city level through the use of technology and city planning and designing is explained. At the end of the paper few development strategies and recommendation or creating safe and secure environment for the resident is formulated and elaborated in the paper.