Analytical Study on Relationship Between Shg and Poverty Alleviation


  • Cs Ruchitra Kaparwan



Microfinance is showing great promise as a means of combating poverty in India. Although making significant contributions to the home and national economies, women's work is often undervalued or ignored. The rapid growth of SHGs and the Bank linkage model have sparked a nationwide campaign to increase women's economic independence. Many empirical investigations have demonstrated that the members of SHGs have been able to better their socioeconomic situation thanks to microfinance provided via SHGs and the Bank linkage model. Moreover, it empowers women to make better financial decisions for their families and boosts their self-esteem. The questionnaire serves as the primary data collector, while non-parametric tests (such as the chi-square and analysis of variance) are used for analysis and presentation. Self-help Training of Swarozgaris, infrastructure development, marketing and technology support, member communication, member self-confidence, reduction in family violence, increase in outsider contact, monthly savings by SHG members, monthly savings by SHG members as a whole, political participation, social harmony, social justice, and community involvement are just some of the areas where groups have made a significant impact.




How to Cite

Kaparwan, C. R. . (2021). Analytical Study on Relationship Between Shg and Poverty Alleviation. Mathematical Statistician and Engineering Applications, 70(1), 50–57.


