Human-Cantered Design Approaches in Mechatronics for Improved User Experience


  • Amit Kumar Singh



In the rapidly evolving field of mechatronics, human-cantered design (HCD) approaches have gained significant attention as a means to enhance user experience. Mechatronics, which combines mechanical engineering, electronics, computer science, and control systems, aims to develop intelligent and interactive systems. However, the success of mechatronic systems relies not only on their technical functionalities but also on how well they align with users' needs and expectations. This abstract explores the significance of human-cantered design approaches in mechatronics and their potential to improve user experience.In the outcome, human-cantered design approaches play a crucial role in mechatronics for improving user experience. By involving users from the early stages, employing iterative design cycles, and considering usability and emotional factors, mechatronic systems can be developed to be more user-friendly, efficient, and engaging. The integration of HCD approaches leads to systems that align with users' needs, preferences, and expectations, ultimately resulting in improved user experience and increased user acceptance of mechatronic systems. As mechatronics continues to advance, the adoption of human-cantered design approaches will remain essential in ensuring the successful development and deployment of user-centric mechatronic systems.



How to Cite

Singh, A. K. . (2021). Human-Cantered Design Approaches in Mechatronics for Improved User Experience. Mathematical Statistician and Engineering Applications, 70(1), 486–493.


