Social Network Dynamic Modeling via Mathematical Applicative Formulae
For one or more files contained in databases, the computer forms a leading site for storage. In the majority of large firms, the databases tend to be in central systems, rather than on the individual employee computers. It is also worth noting that computer servers are contained in these respective firm central systems, offering services over networks. The implication is that the server hosts database files but, using different firm computers, an operator can access the files. An increase in database complexity translates into the formation of a social network. Therefore, a social network becomes a database collection working together. The role of social networks lies in their capacity to foster data integration from different databases, giving the information new insights. Given that the ultimate goal of business organizations stretches beyond data storage to support decision-making in relation to the resultant data, this paper has established that social networks play a critical role towards the achievement of this goal.
Keywords: Social Networking, Mathematical technical Solutions, Datasets.