Intellective Correlates of the Proficiency Examinations of the Engineering Students
This study determined possible intellective indicators that could influence the engineering proficiency exams. The intellective attributes of the respondents considered were type of high school graduated, SHS strand, General Weighted Average (GWA), OLSAT Scores, scholastic achievement, and course while engineering proficiency examinations was measured in terms of general education and specialized subjects.
Quantitative research design was utilized in this study. Total enumeration of the 156 freshmen engineering students were the respondents of the study. The OLSAT and the departmental made questionnaires were the main tool. Frequency counts and percentages, weighted mean, t- Test, and ANOVA were utilized.
Findings revealed that the respondents were graduates of public high schools. Their course is parallel to their SHS academic strands. They performed satisfactorily in high school and also in their freshmen scholastic achievement. Mostly wanted to become civil engineers however, they achieved low performance in their OLSAT. Respondents met the standards required by the institution as prescribed by Commission on Higher Education. The BSME students outperformed the other two engineering courses; Students who have low high school GWA and scholastic aptitude displayed higher performance in the engineering proficiency examinations; Proficiency of the students who graduated from public and private in are the same; Students from the engineering courses, and who underwent different senior high school strands displayed the same proficiency.
The intellective correlates to the proficiency exams were their GWA and Scholastic Achievement. Skills enhancement of the engineering performance to track the student’s abilities to level up achievement and the guidance office should consider bridging programs.