Special Issue on Mathematical Computation in Combinatorics and Graph Theory in Mathematical Statistician and Engineering Applications
Call for papers
This Issue is now open for submissions.
Papers are published upon acceptance, regardless of the Special Issue
publication date.
Combinatorics is often described briefly as being about counting, and indeed counting is a large part of combinatorics. Graph theory is concerned with various types of networks, or really models of networks called graphs. Both have applications in computer science, data science, biology, social network theory and neuroscience. They are closely related to many other areas of mathematics including algebra, probability, topology, and geometry.
The aim of this Special Issue is to attract original research contributions and comprehensive reviews on mathematical computation in combinatorics and graph theory, for example, social networks, chemical networks, and entropy networks. We encourage the submission of theoretical as well as applied investigations on numerical methods for the simulations and analysis of communication networks, cryptography and network security, topological indices of networks, and entropy of networks.
Potential topics include but are not limited to the following:
• Communication networks, cryptography and network security
• Computational molecular biology
• Computer architecture
• Scientific discovery
• Languages
• Pattern analysis
• Simulation
• Databases and data mining
• Homeland security
• Operations research
• Mathematical modeling of complex networks
• Computational analysis of social behavior of massive populations in
social networks
• Domination set, Roman Domination set, Double Roman domination set, etc.
• Graph labeling
• Topological indices of networks/molecules
• Metric Dimension
Guest Editors:
Mohammad Reza Farahani
Department of Mathematics
Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST),
Narmak, Tehran 16844, Iran.
Mrfarahani88@Gmail.com, Mohammad_Farahani@mathdep.IUST.ac.ir
Phone: +98-919-2478265
https //www.researchgate.net/profile/Mohammad_Farahani3/publications
Xiujun Zhang
School of Computer Science,
Chengdu University, Chengdu,China
Phone: +86-13568899822
Email: woodszhang@cdu.edu.cn
Hayder Baqer Ameen
Department of Mathematics,
Faculty of Computer Sciences and Mathematics,
University of Kufa, Iraq
Phone: +964 780 225 9121
Email: hayder.ameen@uokufa.edu.iq
Jia-Bao Liu
School of Mathematics and Physics,
Anhui Jianzhu University, Hefei 230601, P.R. China
Phone: 86-15955156977
E-mail:liujiabaoad@163.com; liujiabao@ahjzu.edu.cn